Pamela Simpson

(née Rose) is a director

of Work Fit Moving and

Handling Solutions

Limited who are

providers of all levels

of Moving & Handling



Implementing and maintaining safer moving and handling practice relies on the adoption of a systems

approach across an organisation.


Work Fit utilises a range of ergonomics and quality management audit tools to evaluate:


policy and arrangements                                               training systems

organisational structure and communications         equipment availability/suitability

legislative and best practice conformance                moving and handling in practice

documentation systems                                                accident/incident reporting


Work Fit can undertake a full training needs analysis which is an essential tool to identify moving and

handling and risk assessment training needs across staff groups and specific work areas with a view to the

design, development and delivery of appropriate and effective programmes and to underpin safer practice

in the work place.



Pamela Simpson Consultants

Telephone 07713980212 or 01473 327343  Email